Critical Illness
Critical Illness insurance provides a one-time payment when diagnosed with up to 32 specific medical conditions. While health insurance policies cover medical expenses and hospitalization costs, this plan covers indirect expenses like travel costs, uncovered treatments, and enables you to make important lifestyle changes. Typically, these policies cover medical conditions such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney or liver failure, lung disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Feel free to check our blog that includes an article about this plan.
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Cover Amount *The lumpsum amount you'll get upon illness diagnosis.Select an optionCover Term *The duration of the plan.Select an optionResidency *The country where you spend more than 6 months a year.Nationality(ies) *Details of which nationality or nationalities you hold.Gender *Select an optionDate of Birth *Full Name *Email Address *Mobile Number *Additional NotesAny relevant info you would like to share!
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